
What is Bakeshop?
We are a platform that connects local bakers with buyers. We do not sell anything directly, we simply connect you with those that do.

Why can’t I find a local baker?
Bakeshop is brand new, so please check back regularly for new sellers as we grow.

Do bakers deliver or do I have to pick up the cakes?
It depends on the bake shop and the item, if it’s not clear from the listing, feel free to contact the seller directly to check.

I can’t find exactly what I want, do bakers take requests?
Yes! If there’s a modification that you want to a listing, bakers are usually open to accommodating (e.g. changing the frosting color), just contact the baker to check.


Is there a cost to sell on Bakeshop?
No, Bakeshop is free for bakers and buyers.

I run a bakery, can I sell on Bakeshop?
Yes! Everyone is welcome to sell on Bakeshop.

I’m an established baker and already have my own website, can I redirect customers there?
Yes! Feel free to use to list your products and include the link to your website in the listing.

My Cover Image is looking blurry, how do I fix it?
This can happen if the image is portrait – just try cropping it to square/landscape and that should fix it.

Why can’t I see my Cover Image in the Gallery?
If you want your Cover Image to appear in the gallery (which will help customers see the full picture) then simply upload it to the Gallery as well.

Do you have an app?
We do not currently have an app.